Key Facts to Know About Your Pregnancy Termination Clinic

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There is a great amount of preconceptions and misinformation that can be perpetuated about a nearby pregnancy termination clinic like Clinic 66.

The practice itself can be seen as incendiary as pro-life advocates and religious groups attempt to interfere in the process.

What women should know about these centres is that they operate within the legal bounds of the state and offer their patients all of the options that they can take.

Rather than being consumed with fear, anxiety and self loathing, it is important to take onboard the key facts about this practice.

Different Laws for Different States

It would only be in 2018 where the state of Queensland would decriminalise abortion, passing the Termination of Pregnancy Bill on October 17. This would put into perspective the challenges that a local pregnancy termination clinic can face depending on their location. NSW is the other state where there are stringent restrictions depending on the length of the pregnancy and the profile of the doctor. Other states and territories from South Australia and Western Australia to Tasmania and Victoria outline that the practice is legal, but vary their legislation from 14 weeks to 16 weeks, 20 and 24 weeks respectively, or if the life of the mother is under threat. There is still more work to be done to pass legislation to make the practice entirely legal irrespective of the length of the term.

Women Have Time On Their Side

Despite what some draconian pieces of legislation might outline, the local pregnancy termination clinic will be a safe space where women can view a timetable and give themselves the time to make a final decision. Up until 14 weeks all options are on the table, but beyond that phase there will be a need to move towards a surgical rather than a medical abortion. Up until 20 weeks the practice is safe, yet the earlier a call is made the more efficient the task will be for all parties.

Women Have Multiple Choices On The Table

From a medical to a surgical abortion or carrying to term, there are a number of different avenues that can be explored within a pregnancy termination clinic. The name alone would suggest that there is only one option, but with the aid of experienced gynecologists available to speak with, they will be able to give their expert medical opinion on what the best course of action to take is if there are potential complications due to time restrictions. Whilst there are some variations in the law from state to state as we have discussed, all women across the country are empowered to make their own decision as others will not be consulted for their input.

Compassion and Support is a Priority

Your local pregnancy termination clinic does not operate like a dental service or a GP who is seeing a patient for a checkup. They are completely aware that this is a matter that carries added gravity and for the practice to be handled with sensitivity and privacy, there is a priority to manage this process with compassion and to offer support. Mental health professionals can be referred and there will be discussions held to include partners, close friends and close family members. They might not be offering input on the decision itself, but merely there to offer their love and support during a trying time.

Procedures Are Safe

With the aid of follow up consultations and visits with your pregnancy termination clinic, it is important to note that these procedures are safe. For a majority of patients who engage with these professional services, they simply take part in a straightforward process without any major disruptions to their normal schedule, unaffected by work commitments, social gatherings or other agendas. Reproductive health issues barely register in the aftermath of these practices as women are managed and looked after by the best operators in the business.